Almost a new year

Got all the shots available. Last year saw my two granddaughters (under 5) at a distance and that was TERRIBLE. This year we bubbled with them and didn't do much else, but that's fine with us as they are the most important things in our lives. It was a WEIRD year, with very low lows and great highs. I lost two life long friends to Covid. My godchild had healthy twins boys at 38, but her father was one of the Covid victims at 68. My oldest brother passed away, and his granddaughter got her PHD at Penn St. a week later. I sold my '66 Biscayne to a guy who lives 1200 miles away. He saw it while visiting with family here. Called me a week later and said couldn't get the car out of his mind as he had owned one long ago. Guy is 79 :). I'm looking for a A/B body replacement.

I've made new friends and new enemies in record numbers this year, usually with little effort on my part :). The whole world is truly tilting, and not in a good way. I wish you all well.