Ah, but I love the (car) hunt

LOL! Had a good one this past year- my buddy got a good deal on an out of town dually; we made the trip to go pick it up, got there, and did all the usual inspections and haggling. My buddy starts peeling off Benjamins to pay the guy, who has this horrified look on his face- he didn't want to take cash! He wanted a bank check- thought that much cash had to be drug money or something. After going back and forth for a while, the guy's wife/girlfriend comes out of the house, listens for a minute and tells the guy "Are you effen CRAZY??" He still wouldn't budge, ended up going to the guy's bank and he had them check the money to make sure it was real... Geez, some people... Kinda takes the fun out of it, but leaves you with a good story.
People are morons...:)