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I've tried my bestest to make Joey understand before, that regardless of how "they" view it, it is somewhat convoluted. I'm not sure it's easy for Joey to understand that not everyone has the same in depth understanding he does of web sites. It's like a car guy trying to explain to someone completely foreign to cars how something on a car works. It just doesn't register. There's that, PLUS, I'm not sure there's anything within the parameters of the program that allows him to make it any "easier" or I think he would have tried by now. He is aware a lot of people do have issues with it. My problems is, while it may seem like I have lots of forum knowledge, I actually have the online prowess of a chimpanzee. If I could figure out how to make a how to video using pointers to show what all to click, I'd do it, but my stupid level is way too high for that.