Don't know how true this is but sounds right

Okay it's my turn, I don't usually go here but I think I have a pretty good perspective. I work in one of the more or most liberal cities in United States Eugene Oregon. 5 years ago it was still awesome, but now due to liberal government and control it is become a homeless mess along with California and Washington you can have ****** and meth in your pocket here now and the worst you're going to get is a ticket and the poor people who have lived here for generations navigate the escalating crime and filth all while suicides and od's and violent crime Spike. Just the facts ma'am! So who is really tearing our country apart? That's not really a question I know the answer! I will add my perspective comes from being the program field lead for the elicit activities team for the City of Eugene Oregon where we attempt to mitigate negative and illegal impact on 3000 acres of developed and natural area Parks where my team removes hundreds of tons of garbage and thousands of needles from the camps that allow you to kill yourself slowly and Rob your neighbor's blind policies.