Don't know how true this is but sounds right

Why am I not surprised at the stupidity and depravity of the left?
  • Who pushed for gun control laws, and why, and most importantly when?
  • Who pushed for the ****** of free money and destroying the nuclear and extended family?
  • Who is pushing for the erasure of history?
  • Who is responsible for the genocidal numbers of deaths since the '60's of the innocent?
And I am in the basket of deplorables, I am the racist, I am a NAZI, I am the one with hatred in my heart? I don't think so, cupcake. You lefties are nothing but rudderless and feral children, lashing out at anyone who tells you no. Utterly without wisdom and lacking in any capacity for introspection and self honesty. It may not be your fault, take note of this; It is your problem and responsibility to mend your ways, if you wish to live in and to pass on to any children that you may have, any sort of civil society.

Us, the grownups can no longer allow you to drill holes in the boat that we are all in. This is how it is going to go for our own survival. Pay attention.
  • First we will have to take away your hand drills and patch the boat.
  • If you try to hammer holes, we will have to take away your hammers.
  • If you then bust out the sawzalls and skillsaws, we will have to take those away as well.
  • Once we have stopped your suicidal and homicidal behavior and you have still refused to be civil, we will have to throw you out of the boat to sink or swim on your own. Or you can go live amongst your kind in Venezuela or Cuba, or Libya, or China or North Korea.
Lefties, you really do not belong in this nation. You really, really don't.
I agree with you fully.
And off to the N&P section we go......