Stop in for a cup of coffee

As a Hunters Safety Education instructor one of the things I stress in all of my classes is knowing where you are at all times while hunting. With all the apps now for phones there is just no excuse for getting caught on private land. And if you have permission keep your permission slip on your person with contact info to land owner. I cannot tell you how many times hunters have tried to bluff their way out on our farm explaining they had permission from owner. Once you explain to them they are in fact speaking with the land owner the conversation changes a bit. It is always dicey as everyone there is armed. Many a disastrous event has ensued due to escalation of the encounter. Note to self, just because someone is trespassing you do not have the right of deadly force. Apologies but the firearms instructor comes out of me on this topic.

Around here the farmers have cute little neon orange vests for their livestock :thumbsup:. In Colorado the livestock was PAINTED neon orange :eek:.