Header shipping paint removal??

I have to ask, what better paint remover? I had 2 wheels stripped by powder coater, the bead area repolished , sand blast the spokes, paint and then repowder coat the wheel. A 55 gal drum of what he uses for stripping is $900, and you can't just go to the hardware store and buy it. The last gallon that I bought of the good stuff was the last gallon a hardware store had. I told the owner the problem that I was having with the new strippers and did he have any of the good stuff left. He had 1 gallon left and said he just wanted it out of his store, I paid $20 for it, that was 2 years ago. Sand blasting is probably the easy way to go.
In order to keep this blindingly good deal on these new headers I had to think of a way to do it myself. I still had a half a can of that crappy paint stripper and used it all on these two headers and didn't get all off by any means. I did still have a lot of wire wheeling and elbow grease to put into them. We can also add in the $35 for a can of flame proof primer and two cans of paint... The last time I had a couple small pieces of sandblasted they were $60 each. So I'm thinking 120 bucks for sandblasting plus the $35 for paint. Keeping that in mind if I was to have to buy these new I would probably just buy the ceramic coated ones and considerate a great deal... Although I think flotech sells unpainted ones... I'm seriously not seeing the need for expensive headers for a truck...