Ok......plan "B"

Right when I'm re-motivated to get back to work on the Barracuda, I'm informed I have to move! So, now instead of getting back to work on the car, I'm packing all the parts (and the rest of my house!) to move. ....ugh!!!

The good news is I'm going to BUY a home instead of renting - first time in my life! Then nobody can make me uproot again! (Except the bank if I don't pay!)

The owners want to move in and live in the house I've been renting. ...3rd time this has happened to me in 20 years....I'm sick of it.

Time to buy.....


Didn't you just move recently, around the time you built your tranny? I'm pretty sure I remember you being excited about your garage.

Oh, avoid places with a HOA like the plague. The most I am allowed to do is to change a tire. Fortunately my neighbor is a good guy and won't turn me in like the last one did for swapping a cam. And make sure that you have a decent side yard with a cement slab, or put one in, in addition to a two car garage. Engine stands, extra blocks, hoists, refrigerators, beverages, lawn chairs, and all that stuff need a place to go while you're "working" on the car. And a desktop computer. Laptops just plain suck for research and ordering stuff. And light! Lots of light. And a garage floor with a crown so tools will roll away from the middle of under the car when you drop them. I'm looking at YOU, Mr. 7/16" socket!