No truer words have ever been said!

I think it funny that carburetors have been around for a hundred plus years but they are black magic....
That right there proves that we every succeeding generation for the past lil while is just getting dumber and dumber.And not for lack of intellect mind you; they're just too lazy to learn outdated stuff, lol.
remember back when we lost ignition points? Back in 1997, my boss hired a kid fresh out of automotive school, and that kid did not know how to set points nor how to use a timing light; what the heck was he learning in that school. He was one-generation removed from points ignition. Today we are one-generation removed from carburation, two from points.
no truer words have ever been said
Ya know, my Granny was born at the beginning of the 20th Century. She saw the advent of cars from steam to elecrtic to internal combustion engine. She saw the Dirty-Thirties, the Rural Electrification, inside running water and flush-toilets. She saw two World Wars, the Atomic Bomb and the Nuclear Age. She saw the proliferation of Radio, TV, and Hollywood. And in 1969 when the TV showed men on the moon, she called it a lie. No truer words have ever been said. But of course it would be many decades before it was proven. She died at age 92 full of years, having seen probably the most tumultuous century in history. What a woman!