Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Alot of people put them on the other way around I'm guessing to simulate a flag blowing in the wind. But I like this orientation better. As with everything else on this car, it would definitely be more about my preference than anyone else's. Nice catch on the typical orientation though.

On a side note the upgrades for winter are going slow thanks to pickin up a new gun and a set of wheels and tires for my truck. Time to hold off buying stuff for a little but and enjoy the holidays until my wife deploys.

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Tell the wife I said "thank you"

The reason I thought the flag was backwards was the orientation, when on display, the blue field with the stripes should be in the left upper corner

I can think of at least two houses in my town where the flag is on display with the blue field in the upper right corner, and that's what this looked like to me

But you're right, it's your car, and it sure beats seeing a chinese flag on there

Now, on to important issues...let's hear about the gun ?