Going to YouTube

1. There are plenty of decent to good editing software programs out there. Pay attention to what your favorite youtubers say they use and try those.

2. Best advice I got for performing is... Imagine you are on stage for a bunch of 3-year-olds. That amount of energy will be about right, anything less will seem boring.

C. There are a ton of creators out there offering their wares with a creative commons license. Essentially, you can use their music or whatever as long as you give them proper credit.

D. Use the best cameras and audio equipment you can afford. GoPro is good, but there are better. Also get a good camera person. Tripod shots quickly become limiting.

5. Make the video that you would want to watch. Then find some friends who will give an honest opinion and show it to them. Better to show it to non car people... if they are entertained, you are in good shape.

Watch everything Kevin Smith has ever said about movie making, and while you do that, read Stephen King's "On Writing." They will teach you everything you need to know about editing.

Good luck, and post some links!