From the files of the WTF were you thinking dept.

There's a few of these on YouTube. They all end up the same. Screaming, yelling, threats, cops, arrests, etc etc etc

I still remember many years back a young single gal, likely college?? moved into the duplex across the street. I have no idea how she thought she could afford that. I don't recall a partner/ roomate, but maybe. Anyhow one morning I woke up to the sound of an unfamiliar truck, look out the bedroom window, and here's a wrecker hoisting the *** of her car. The just drug it off, front tires screaming. Guy has to wonder, other than tire damage and the risk of fire, what the transaxle had to say after that........................

I'd assume that once they are in the clear they pull over and re-rig, put dollies etc.
