New Holden Block by Bullit Engineering in Australia

Holden is Aussie General Motors. Chevy.
Yes but this engine is not a chev but a Holden! A Holden is 253 and 308 and is a very light weight casting with small main bolts and big end caps for light weight. This engine when first raced in about 1974 could not last a race in our series so GMH designed and built a lot stronger engine block and called it L34 as the std 308 engine is an L31 . These blocks have not been made for over 30 years and are becoming very sought after by the Holden mad guys so these blocks would have some demand in Australia as the Holden guys are so hell bent on having a Holden that they will spend ten times the amount just so they say it is a Holden. I suppose a bit like us Mopar small block guys. HA HA