Think about this

Your not a A-hole Rusty and you, me or we cant help people who think only of themselves.....My wife's sister and your sister in law sound alike...My wife has been to hell and back, chemo, so many surgeries I lost count and her sister would be down this way once a month to visit mom and would never stop by for 15 minutes to visit my wife, forget about a phone call, im talking ten years now,,,always all about her
Kitty you me, my wife could talk about this over coffee for hours but whats the sense.
You and I may not agree about a lot of **** but damm it I wish I lived nearby you
Tell the missus I have a Kitty also, only ten but that kid puts smile on my face every time I see her
Be well and thanks
If we agreed on everything, what a boring place this would be! lol