Think about this

You have our deepest sympathy. That's just awful. I'm always telling Kitty "God forbid something happens to us, nobody will find us foe weeks" and it's true. I have a sister in Macon. 30 minutes away. Just saw her yesterday for Thanksgiving. But if I don't call her, it'll be six months before I hear from her......maybe more. And God help them if they ever had to ride out HERE. I'd never hear the end of it. But she makes close to six figures a year as a nurse practitioner and he's a Golden Flake cookie guy. Kitty and I on social security, barely getting by. We made the trip yesterday there, because my sister wanted it THERE and here we are, 1/4 tank of gas left in Kitty's car and 16 dollars in the bank till next Friday. LOL

But as I said, nobody and I mean NOBODY ever comes by, calls, or anything.......well......I take that back. Someone from THIS VERY FORUM calls more than my own family. @Stephen Hotz. I actually hear from him a good little bit. Then, Del (@67Dart273) calls some too, but they both call more than family or friends that live less than 50 miles away.

We live 500 feet off the road for a good reason, but we'd never mind visits from friends.....but never get any. I tell Kitty we're the biggest assholes in the world must be all the time. I guess we are. LOL
Yeah, there are a couple forum members who call me from time to time and I truly enjoy talking with them. We just BS about cars, health, etc... Hears what slapped me yesterday morning... Thanksgiving 2019, corona virus hadn't hit here yet. We had forgotten cranberry sauce (we dont eat it). Bro-in-law and I went to local Ingles store to get nothing but. There is Missy, Perry's wife ( she works there watching the self check isles) and I said, "Dang sweet heart, Is someone cooking Perry a Thanksgiving dinner?" She says Perry is in the hospital. He had a heart attack, triple bypass surgery, then a couple of small strokes after all that. When I got home, I knew what I was thankful for and I told entire family how lucky and blessed we should feel.
I talked with Perry a few weeks later and he was doing good, planning to go back to work.
The corona virus killed the following 2020 Thanksgiving. I can't even do the family thing.
So this year I get everything ready for a real Thanksgiving including my shower and shave, and during that, the thought occurred, "Call Perrys number". I dialed to hear "disconnected or no longer in service". :(
So moral to this story is... some of us don't reach out to old friends often enough. A New Years resolution? Think about it.