Where to get heater core and blower motor?

I cannot disagree, regardless of originality.
I had to have my bottom radiator hose moved from the left to right, when I removed the 273 outta the 66 and put the 340 in.. dude was old School, and Bad... in 2010 or so, it was 40 bucks. . Real Wizard, learned from his PA, had this old evil looking vat in the middle of his shop, a Old building, by the ship yards, he made his cash off the semi's and punk kids w/ junk. I dealt w/ him a few times, and always sent biz his way, found out later he was known amongst the crowd. Mileys...7th Ave, east of Ybor, he'd light a cigar w/ his brazing torch, and tell ya old Mopar stories. I found him by accident, but if he didn't like ya, or your junk, he'd send ya. I seen him do it. Asked him why, once, after he'd politely turned down a guy, said, " Man, I don't need to do that, and these new parts are such thin junk...he loved copper and brass... Shops gone now.. hope he's ok..