crypto currency investing, anyone?

The Stock mkt, like everything else has rules to learn, requires strict discipline, - enuff to control your emotions.
Gambling is putting your money down, you win or lose at the flip of a coin, roll dice, lottery, money's gone.

The Stock market you can sell anytime.
If you have the discipline to recognize the stocks not doing what you want, - admit you made a mistake, and sell before you lose more.
There's a setting when you buy your stock, a "stop loss" that you set to automatically sell your stock if it goes below a predetermined price.
There are other software/strategies to limit loss.
I use charting, when one line crosses another, is either a buy/sell trigger.
I usually sell 1/2 my holding of a particular stock when it doubles.
I posted some stocks about a year ago, and 3 or 4 of those have doubled..
Losing is common, limiting your losses, and cash preservation is the #1 rule.
I play the market every morning I'm here . Started in the 1990's . I was one of those "pesky Daytraders" that "caused" the Dot-Com bubble .
Good Luck .