1965 Dodge Dart, Rain leaking in to the coupe

So do you have rust holes in your fresh air openings like Oldmanmopar's pics? If you can't see it with your eyes or a mirror, put your cell phone up there with video recording and try to get a good video.

If that's not it, maybe your windshield gasket/seal is leaking. I know mine is leaking, so it's going to get all new rubber.

I bought a camera on a long cable, 15 ft I think. Not able to find the leak. But, when I lay in the car, and my lovely wife shower the car on the left side of the windshield, air openings for the heater, it finally starts dripping in that little space behind the kick panel on the left side. It drips and drips and drips.... and finally, somehow, it manage to get to the ... well, not sure what to call it, but like a "rain gutter" on the lower edge of the dash panel, so that it will drip on my pants between my knee and my shoes somewhere. That is when I get upset. I am talking about the room where the wire to the door switch is for the dome light. In that opening. Couple of inches or whatever it is. And the room there goes all the way up to whatever is there. Not able to see there.
I even tried what is it called again, Rustoleum undercoating, that black sticky stuff. But, they only have it in spray cans, so I am not able to get it all the way out where I suspect the hole is, somewhere around where the drain holes is in the cowl to let water out on the ground that rains down and into the cowl. I wish they had it in 1 quart cans so I could have it in my spray gun and then spray it in there through a longer hose. But, no such luck.

I have sealed the windshield, so it is not that. I taped the louvres in the cowl, and around the windshield wiper "thingies" and then I can shower the entire car with a tanker ship of water, and not a drop in the car. Open the louvres, and it starts dripping again.

So, that is how life is on this side of the Central Valley.
