crypto currency investing, anyone?

The private computer owners get paid in crypto currency for processing transactions on their computers. So more money is “printed” daily.
Not entirely true. The rest of your quote is but once a crypto is issued/created, they cannot increase the total number of “coins”.
, only decrease it.

cryptos like Bitcoin have relatively low numbers of coins. Others like Shib, have more coins than the entire world has real currency. They operate on supply/demand/hype .

now with Bitcoin, only some percentage of the number of total existing coins are released. That’s why people set up mining rigs etc for them. Mining rigs basically allows computers to solve complex equations, to which fractions of a fraction of a fraction of a new Bitcoin is released to the public market. But the total number of bitcoins, stay the same.

For example, it’s like having a pie. You have one pie, first you cut it in 4 pieces, you set 2 of those aside, than you cut the other two pieces in half. Then you cut them in half again. Eventually you come back to the pieces you set aside, start cutting those