which gasket cement?

I've used rtv black many times, okay.

But its true the material matters.

Gaskecinch is great the tack down for composite/paper pan rail and intake gaskets. It works like contact cement.
Rtv, or something that slow sets for crush works just under and at the end seal to rails.
I use the cork with a thin bead of black rtv to pan and dry to block with a blob at each corner at end seals.

Which gasket material to use depends on the pan. Stock is what I deem cork friendly..while a heavier gauge steel pan like moroso, milodon..would be dense paper type friendly.
Use a 1/4 ratchet and use your fingers center to ends. Or.....wth use the right stuff and nothing else if you like just get all bolts threaded and only finger snug before it dries..then 1/2 a c hair more when dried.