Carburetor cfm calculator

Math has everything to do with it when you science it out. Which is not always the best way to enhance an engine. There is still much left up in the air about his build. Making use of that formula is trouble. Not knowing the VE of his engine is also a problem even though it can easily fall into a low percentage, the parts used remain to be seen.

That formula is good at telling us how much air your engine will displace at a given rpm, on a dyno when they measure how much are your flowing it's probably close, problem is it's got nothing to do with carb size, Lets use cylinder heads to make the difference easier say for your application that formula says you need 600 cfm that's how much air you will displace at peak hp. So divide that by 8 to see what each cylinder will displace which is 75 cfm. We know what most head will flow how come that formula is of no help to figure what cylinder head we should be using or at least narrow the choices down ?? Cause we flow cylinder heads like carbs at a chosen vacuum level not the level it will be on each individual application, since it will vary greatly from cases to case. What an engine displaces in air in cfm and the cfm which carbs and cylinder heads are tested at are not related.