Pro Flo 4 Tablet

I think its brilliant. Keeps the tuner at bay in the car (in your lap) while your setting up parameters, not tethered to a PC or laptop with an umbilical cord (ala Paul's Evo in 'Fast and Furious' 1!) . And its a universal platform, no proprietary junk that can break and not be replaced. Just make sure your tablet has the required resolution! The majority of the uber cheap used ones are 800x480. Most modern ones are good enough. The Google play is just a vetted platform that prevents you from downloading a malicious app that can brick your tablet or install badware. Apple has it too but demands money for the app to be in its library. Im sure the app is free.
PCs have wireless too ya know. Requiring Android is not "universal." Apps are not "universal." I agree Apple is a mess If android was handled like regular website downloads it would not be so bad. Last there should be a way of running Android apps on Linux. But the biggest issue for us old guys is that Android tends to be smaller physical platforms......and hard to see. I've tried to find a way to run Android on a laptop, and, if possible it takes way too much fiddlin