Another Mouth To Feed....

Not that this is a contest...but we are now up to 8, with the addition of Abra with the tail injury and the two girls (Willow and Dinky) with the cloudy eye issues that no one wanted to adopt :(

Speaking of cloudy eye issues-

Yesterday was the day Vincey went in for his radioactive iodine therapy for his thyroid.

We get him back Thursday and then he has to be isolated for 2 weeks and we can only spend 5 minutes with him 3 times per day.

...and his "waste" needs to be removed from the residence immediately and buried a specific depth, not to be brought into human contact for a specified "half life" period.

I never in my wildest dreams, thought I'd be managing radioactive waste, let alone radioactive CAT waste.
Wow. That's just great yall are doing that.