Why people don't buy craftsman anymore

Back in the day it was Sears Craftsman for any store bought tools. Made in America, the warranty. Diehard batteries, the service at the auto centers (at least in suburban Illinois at the time) Yard equipment. ALL that is gone, dead, the name means nothing. Any of it is the same metal and manufacturing as the rest, some different color paint or plastic, logo, contours otherwise all the same. Luckily I still have all my Craftsman tools as well as my Grandfathers Craftsman mechanics cabinet “stack” filled with all his American made tools likely going back to the 40’s.
But now if I need any special tool or a replacement it’s Harbor Freight! I like the Doyle and Quinn line of tools. Some of their pricier Pittsburgh line are good. It’s all made in China no matter what “store bought” tool it is. When you need it now what are you going to do? Even the old reliable and quality “Lisle” brand of tools seems to be made elsewhere.