Streetmaster to Airgap

What's funny is how long it took for some one to man up and admit the head can flow enough to do it. Yeah its gonna take you 10K in head work because you have no idea on how to do it and so you'd be learning on some one else's money.

Its afternoon here.

Thanks, now we know that you find it acceptable to learn on someone else's money.

I notice you keep jabbing at my knowledge and ability. Don't be so intimidated by it.
You fail to understand no one knows it all, there are no masters..only people closer to or on the cutting edge of the learning curve ...that you merely a spectate. You're a reader, a viewer, a parrot. You have aspiration...but are more driven by spite and the desire to out do another in odd ways that only matter to you.
Its evident you have a complex.
All the distractions keeping us from seeing what we should be seeing... who you are, what you us you prickish little antagonist you..