Why people don't buy craftsman anymore

Lots of stuff Sears sold was re branded to their in-house names and sometimes hard to figure out who actually made it.
Yes I like Dollar General - keeps me from having to even go to Walmart
Pretty sure most of their appliances were that way. Some "Kenmores" were GREAT, others not so much.

We had a "Sears" branded Atari 2600.
They must have been masters of licensing agreements because it was actually $5 cheaper than the Atari branded one.

I agree that should have been ahead of the online game but their demise actually started way before online was even close to how big it is now.

Lots of folks blame Wal-mart for the demise of both Sears and K-Mart.
I'm sure it had something to do with it.

Speaking of that, how about Dollar General?
They are "out-Wal-Marting" Wal-Mart.
Their stores are closer to your house and the prices are similar if not a tad bit cheaper.
Why drive farther, and fight the parking and the Wal-Martians if what you need is at DG?

It's almost the return of the neighborhood "five and dime" store, but they're all the same and corporate owned.