Degreeing Cam by Measuring Overlap @ Lifters

Nicely presented video but very misleading. Three assumptions are being made that could could additively distort the result or going the other way, be mutually cancelling. Those three things are that the sprocket key ways are correctly indexed & that the machining/key slot/TDC mark on the balancer is accurate.

Also, in post #8, the OP says it is a 'split' cam. If that means the the exh duration is greater than the intake, & the above machining was correct, then that cam is retarded, ie. the ICL is greater than the LSA [ example 112 ICL, 108 LSA ].

With a single pattern cam, the video procedure is useful as a guide, but not super accurate. Good enough for a starting point if you want to see how your new cam performs. Typically, using the video method with a single pattern cam that has 4* of advance ground in, putting a straight edge across the lifters on overlap, the intake lifter will he higher by 0.010-0.040" than the exh. If the exh is higher, then the cam c/l is retarded relative to TDC.