Uncle Tony's response to Direct Connection

LOL I do wonder, though, in all seriousness. No sarcasm. Do they watch angrily? Or watch burning inside with Jealousy? Yell at their phone or computer?? I sense no humor when they post on FABO, so they aren't laughing. And what keeps bringing them back to watch the next episode? I wonder, for real. It's a legit question. For me personally, I've watched many, many utube channels and decided it wasn't my cup of tea, and I never returned.
I’m a fan of Uncle Tony. That being said, I’ve definitely noticed a shift in his content as he has gained popularity. To me, it’s a little disappointing that the UTG channel I once knew isn’t the same. But people generally don’t like change, so I guess that’s where I’m at. It’s like when a TV show kills off your favorite character. You still watch because you like the show, but things just don’t feel the same.

I wouldn’t go so far as to call him an idiot - that’s an opinion I don’t agree with. I still watch because he does still put out useful (to me) content. He’s been turning wrenches longer than I’ve been alive, and there’s something to be said for that.