
I remember once as a child of around seven my folks had all eight of us kids piled in the Fury II wagon along with our Aunt Martha who was in the front seat with the folks. We had been on the road for about five hours on our way back to Southern Illinois from Indiana and just when we were pulling into our home driveway my youngest brother David (4 years old at the time) lets out a SBD that curled everyone's nostril hair. Once the rest of us kids found out who did the deed, we started giving him a hard time. My Aunt Martha came to his defense saying "it's a natural function, it's bad to hold it in, yadda, yadda, yadda. All us kids would have nothing of that and kept up our barrage of verbal abuse to David. Fifty-four years later we still give him grief about it when we are all together for family gatherings.