The great oil filter debate

Just because it's not made in U.S. doesn't mean it can't be good quality. It all depends on the design criteria, manufacturing capacity,, quality control, and management. That being said, because I was a union machinist for almost 20yrs, I PREFER "Made in USA". That's why I only buy 'Murican cars, and I DO NOT repair foreign vehicles. You buy a foreign vehicle, you're on your own in my book.
"Just because it's not made in U.S. doesn't mean it can't be good quality"....................I agree 1000 percent!!! But that's not the problem. Once you find a good/great quality filter you tend to stay with that brand. But the company that sells the filter is all about the bottom line (profit and happy share holders). So they continually look for (and find) a cheaper manufacturer. They don't ever send messages out to everyone that buys their filter to tell them that they changed the manufacturer. They just do it and you get what you get no matter how good the original filters were. That's the problem!!! These great people that run these filter test conparisons are very helpful but they can't continuously do the tests every week?? The fact is that any of the companies, whose filters were used in the internet video, could change their maniufacturer ONE DAY after the video. So who do you trust......the company that is all about their bottom line???