Windshield install advice.

Many years ago, when I took my first 67 fish apart, I found the black butyl sealant between body and gasket all the way around both front and rear. Between the gasket and glass was off white stuff like the bedding and glazing compound used at yesteryears wooden framed house windows. When a helper and I went to a parts yard to get gasket and reveal trim from rear of a 68 notch, we found the same black sealant in both places. We took front trim and gasket from a different a-body (71 maybe). That windshield was broken out so too easy to pull what I wanted. I really don't recall what we found there. I know it took hours to clean the used gaskets for reuse. Couldn't trust them really so I put the black sealant everywhere. I've never installed a new gasket, so I really don't know what they require. Some of what Chrysler did back in the day could have been overkill too.
I've seen quite a few glasses in older vehicles get cloudy or delaminate and its always around the bottom of the glass. I don't know if the raw edge of the glass standing in water is the cause or not. Good luck any way you go about it.