1967 Dodge Dart 270

Spent about 8 hours in the garage yesterday. Got the proper snap ring pliers and finished disassembly. Cleaned all the parts and got most of it back together with new seals and gaskets. Also cleaned the case with oven cleaner and blew it dry with the air compressor. I had the front pump in a pan on the floor and stepped on the lip and tossed the bolts all over the garage. Still can't find one of them so I will be off to get a new bolt later today. Also need a smaller torque wrench to set the kickdown and low reverse bands. Sorry for the lack of pics. I got sucked into working and didn't stop to take more as I was working. I did pull apart the planetary gears and got them cleaned and inspected. I should have it all back together and on the engine this week and then get the engine back in the car next weekend. From there it is getting all the linkages installed and adjusted properly, install the exhaust, and install the fuel system which I got most of Friday.
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