Truck versus Duster, and truck won.



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
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Bloomington, MN
Hi All: I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of stuff falling off trucks and damaging my cars. It's happened to my 69 Charger ($800.00 worth of damage) and now it just happened to my 1974 Duster. I was recently driving on a two lane state highway. A tanker truck was approaching me from the opposite direction. As he passed, I observed a piece of metal pipe come off the back of his truck, take one bounce off the pavement and then hit the left side of my hood. Had it struck six inches higher, the pipe would have come through the windshield on the driver's side. This will cost over a thousand dollars to repair. When are these people going to start securing the stuff on their rigs? That pipe hit my car at a closure rate of well over 100 mph. I hate to think what would have happened had it come through my windshield. As it was, the driver sped off and I never saw him again, of course. What's your story of being hit by objects from other vehicles?


That's ridiculous. Sorry sorry that happened. Super glad you weren't hurt.
Yeah that's a real bad deal! Could you imagine if you were on a motorcycle?
I move to the far right side of the lane and cringe every time I pass a truck going the other way.
Sorry this happened. We take a big chance every time we take our cars out on the road with distracted drivers and unsafe situations like this.
I had a chunk of concrete go through the front end of my brand new 2010 Ram 3500 in the fall of 2009.
It was freaky, bounced out the back of a dump truck doing about 45 MPH.
He was ticketed and paid for the damage. Every time I see him now, he has a gate on the truck.
I had just picked up my Grand Marquis from the body shop. They had replaced the rear bumper cover and rebar from a rear end accident while I was sitting at a red light.
One mile from the body shop and I see a shovel bounce off of a truck and head light a torpedo towards my windshield.
I nailed the brake and swing the wheel right and slide the car across another lane.
The shovel crashed into my rear quarter panel and I caused a 4 car pile up.
Luckily a cop witnessed the entire event and the owner of the truck stopped to claim responsibility.
I broke a record at the body shop as the fastest to return after a accident.
Sorry to see that.

I will never own any vehicle that doesn't have a dashcam. Even if the culprits are caught, they will most likely lie about how that NEVER could have happened on their truck (personal experience) and the Insurance company won't care anyway.

The video dies not lie.
Didn't you just get 11 inches of snow?
Bummer. Similar think happened to me this summer. Was going to a car show at the Lake of the Ozarks. Was on a two lane road going about 60 in my transam. A Fred Sanford looking truck going the other way spit out a fence post about 100 feet ahead of me on a slight curve, bounced right in front of me. No shoulder, no where to go. Tried to center up on it so I wouldn’t blow a tire. Punched a big hole in the bumper cover, & bounced away. Felt lucky to be alive. Nothing like taking a wrecked car to a car show…..
Did you chase the truck and get satisfaction? I've been hit twice by road debris with no-one responsible around.
Hi All: I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of stuff falling off trucks and damaging my cars. It's happened to my 69 Charger ($800.00 worth of damage) and now it just happened to my 1974 Duster. I was recently driving on a two lane state highway. A tanker truck was approaching me from the opposite direction. As he passed, I observed a piece of metal pipe come off the back of his truck, take one bounce off the pavement and then hit the left side of my hood. Had it struck six inches higher, the pipe would have come through the windshield on the driver's side. This will cost over a thousand dollars to repair. When are these people going to start securing the stuff on their rigs? That pipe hit my car at a closure rate of well over 100 mph. I hate to think what would have happened had it come through my windshield. As it was, the driver sped off and I never saw him again, of course. What's your story of being hit by objects from other vehicles?

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Sorry to hear of that news cruiser. As mentioned previously, I would have chased that truck down.
I knew a trucker fella that told his 17 year old son once, 'Ya gotta tarp your load.'

I guess that applies to trucks, too.
Sorry to hear Bob. It could have been worse.

A long time ago I was at a hospital for an unrelated issue when they wheeled in an elderly lady doing CPR on her. I found out later that she was the passenger in a car behind a scrap truck.......A big rig rim fell out the back and went through their windsield hitting her in the face.
Sorry to see that.

I will never own any vehicle that doesn't have a dashcam. Even if the culprits are caught, they will most likely lie about how that NEVER could have happened on their truck (personal experience) and the Insurance company won't care anyway.

The video dies not lie.
I got one. Highly recommended.
My daughter hit a complete landing gear on the freeway. Ripped the entire suspension off. She wasn’t hurt. Thank God.
Sorry to read Bob, you've every right to be pissed. Glad you're okay! And as you've shown us here, you will make it better than ever.
I had just picked up my Grand Marquis from the body shop. They had replaced the rear bumper cover and rebar from a rear end accident while I was sitting at a red light.
One mile from the body shop and I see a shovel bounce off of a truck and head light a torpedo towards my windshield.
I nailed the brake and swing the wheel right and slide the car across another lane.
The shovel crashed into my rear quarter panel and I caused a 4 car pile up.
Luckily a cop witnessed the entire event and the owner of the truck stopped to claim responsibility.
I broke a record at the body shop as the fastest to return after a accident.

Maybe at that specific body shop, but I have the winner regarding time...
Years ago I was driving my '69 Swinger 340 in Whittier (SoCal) when I saw a woman starting to back out of the body shop entrance of the local Lincoln-Mercury dealership.
I stopped to be courteous.
She backed out across the northbound lanes, across the southbound "inside" lane I was in and turned her wheels to get into the "curbside" southbound lane. Unfortunately, as she turned, she backed right across the passenger side corner of my front bumper. She stopped, got out and looked at the crease damage on her driver side quarter, got back in her car and pulled right back into the body shop.
The paint from her car polished off of my bumper without any lasting damage.
If you got the name off the truck, you can pursue them for damages. If something falls of a truck for any reason, they are on the hook for fixing your car.
It was probably 10 years ago, I was driving across central Illinois and came up on a mid 70’s Olds Cutlass. From the rear and about 30 yards behind it looked like a nice car. All of a sudden I saw a T top fly off the car and start barrel rolling through the air. There was a car next to me so I could not change lanes, the T top was dropping as it was traveling. Maybe 15 feet in front of me it crashed into the pavement and broke into pieces. As I drove through the shrapnel I could hear it hitting the windshield and front end. The Olds accelerated away and was gone. I ended up with some minor paint dings on the front of the hood. Just the wrong place at the wrong time for me. Hopefully that classic Olds owner figured out how to latch down the cars T tops.
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Washington State has laws about covering your load because of a similar accident that killed a young woman. I don't see it being enforced, though. Agree with the dash cam comment.
Late model, you have a chance if you're insurance is being being responsible, if you have video footage. If no video or other photo proof, you're screwed.
Dashcam video sought in fatal State Route 18 crash |

Drove past this scene some years back just after it happened.. Ugly.

I was on a highway in Vegas when a random package came flying out the window of some shitbox commuter car a few lanes over and many car lengths ahead. The box was about 10x10x10 inches and the way it flew, I figured it had to be light - maybe full of foam, looked like a g old Amazon box. It spun like a curve ball in the wind and headed my way - I knew I couldn't predict the bounce, and I was boxed in. I had first tried to accelerate but I didn't gain much ground on it and the car ahead wasn't getting the hint. So, I braked hard hoping it would pass in front of me. It disappeared from my peripheral vision below the passenger fender and then I heard a horrible noise. It apparently weighed about 50lbs, and must have been a ceramic teapot or vase or something. It bounced, and when it did it took my passenger mirror assembly with it on its way up. Shattered ceramic was all over the highway behind me.
Several years later I lost the drivers side mirror to a suicidal bird crossing a highway by a hay field... Then the wife wiped the passenger mirror off the car trying to back up on a tree lined driveway. I think the car's mirrors are cursed or something..

Not as bad as the mattress my dad hit on the highway in Southern California - wrapped the springs around the driveshaft. The imbalance at highway speed broke the tail shaft housing before he got to the shoulder...

The last one was a driver who lost a load of dishware on the highway ahead of me. I was on my motorcycle, and saw the loose box ahead of time so I was able to maneuver. It was the strangest sight... When all the plates shattered and came loose from the box, it didn't just all slide along the ground like I would have expected. Instead it was almost like a flying formation of busted glass bits, whirling and twirling around. Luckily that particular highway had a very generous left shoulder that was paved even with the road surface. I went around, but did get a few bits that hit my shins and boots. Didn't think much of it, but did find bloody pin pricks on my shins later that evening, and my jeans showed some of the damage after a wash too.

Head always on a swivel anymore.. Seen too many unsecured items come flying out unexpected, or just random crap that happens. Hell, I hit a bat one night on my motorcycle with my face (no helmet). Had it hit me any harder, I'm sure I wouldn't be here today. These days, I even watch people in their cars when I can - lots of drivers telegraph that they're awful people with no regard for those around them if you pay attention for it. Gets to be overwhelming though, so I I find it best just to avoid 3 legged creatures when possible!
There was a lady driving her car in San Antonio several years ago when a dump truck full of bowling ball sized rocks was passing her in the opposite lane. A rock came out of the back of the truck and smashed through her windshield and killed her. There will always be road hazards to deal with. We can fix cars, but fixing people is much more difficult!