Stop in for a cup of coffee

How long did that go on for, just curious.
The whole thing? I’ve been sick since the week after Thanksgiving. Lady at work the Monday after thanksgiving tested positive and hospitalized. I got sick the following day. Had 3 tests done that week, 1 failed somehow. The two others, a rapid and a PCR lab test both came back negative. So they said I had advanced bronchitis. Been fighting it since. Then on Sunday the wife started getting sick. By Monday night, her fever hit 104.9! She went and got tested that morning, positive. She lost her sense of smell and taste about the same time. Wednesday I made hamburgers for lunch about 11 an. Then a couple hours later, my wife asked me to smell this special scented, alcohol based soap the doctors office she works at had dropped off. I couldn’t smell it. I then went around the house trying to huff different things, vinegars, mustard, bourbon, peanut butter. Nothing. At all.
By Wednesday evening, I started having asthma attacks and could only catch my breath with my cpap. Went and got tested that evening and instantly positive. On both tests