Ohio drag strip for sale

So...you "know a guy".

Inside information- priceless.

I knew nothing when I bought my mom and pop self storage/shop complex, but....

I'm running it more efficiently and more profitably than the people who owned it before me for over 30 years.
...and I've transformed it into a "car guy friendly" venue where working on your car is not strictly prohibited as it its at most places of that nature.

On a related note-

A big time chevrolet dealer bought our local 1/8 mile track and promised to revitalize it.
I believe it lasted 5 years and is now closed.
20 years ago it was a 1/4 mile with a paved oval track as well.
It also had a mud bog, and that was what was bringing in the money.

Ironically, I think the plans for the property are redevelopment into.....self storage units.