Buy it NOW or it's going to the Scrap yard.... 800 Firm !

I've given plenty of stuff away to members and had members send me stuff. Generally at our expense as far as shipping goes... The thread here is seeming to hit a bit of a gray area between the original op talking about people actually advertising the fact that they would throw it away or scrap it as opposed to just doing it and somewhere in the gray middle is giving stuff away for free...
I guess the point here is it revolves around who the potential recipient of it is. If it's some dirtbag clown from Craigslist looking to get one over on me I'll throw it in the garbage but take for instance if it was you I would pay shipping and give it to ya...

I agree 100 percent and thank you. If there is anything I can do / or you ever need, just let me know.

Merry Christmas Brother.