Intermittent Misfire

Another thing you might condsider, is that it does not hurt to have a spare with Pertronix. If it fails "on the road" where will you buy parts? Therefore consider buying a spare one and swap it in to see if it fixes problem

Those are all valid points, and I do intend to purchase and carry a back-up Pertronix module for emergencies anyway. I'd also considered running full power via a relay directly from the battery, as I've read that HEI ignition needs full 12v power, and I thought it could apply to the Pertronix as well.

However, the problem seems to be identical between the previous (and completely different) points distributor that's on my work bench right now. I've also replaced ALL of the plugs. Twice. No change.

I'm having trouble finding a common culprit considering all the ignition parts that I've swapped out.