1967 Dodge Dart Post

The thing... Better to have one that wont go than one that wont stop. Every 67 model slant 6 a-body I have had was 9X3 drums at front, 9X2 drums at rear. In my day, I could buy a wrecked 73 to 75 4 door Valiant, maybe ordered with towing package, for a couple hundred dollars. Yeah it will be more hundreds today but.., a gold mine in bones. I could pull entire suspension out from under it and renew it at my leisure while still driving my car. Then when ready, in a weekend, disc brakes at front, maybe power disc brakes. Two different bolt patterns for a time but still drivable. The engine and the K member with fail safe motor supports and stabilizer bar comes in with the different motor. I can drive right and keep a working rear end until I'm ready to change that, Famous final scene? The car is never down for more than a week. Years later when I need to go to local parts house or Rockauto for something, all I need to know/remember is what the donor was. Today's aftermarket has a lot of stuff that is supposed to be better than OEM but, in my experience, OEM from 73 up is soooo much better than what we started with, we are tickled with the difference.
If you have the coin for high end shock absorbers, larger torsion bars, anything else aftermarket offers, you are improving upon those previous improvements. I personally never needed to go beyond what I used to make my 67 slant 6 drum brake a-body to drive like the 73 up disc brake V8 a-body.
At the same time, you mentioned burning tires. That aint me. Tires aint cheap. I run 4 of same size and rotate them as needed while I ride about looking for that money tree. LOL Good luck with your build.