25 year old laptop---still works!!

I bought a C-64 overseas in 1988, returned it the same night, and I even had computer experience! I had a Tomy Tutor graphics computer (TI-99/4 CPU) in 6th grade (maybe) and before that Dad brought home a $13,000 (in 1976) IBM that was about worthless in 1980. It had 2 8" floppies and a 9" amber CRT that flashed when it was processing, talk about a weak *** processor! It was used to run an embroidery machine and they were tossing it because the new PC's were 1/4 the price and 4X the performance at 1/4 the weight. I built a spindleless (no drives) 386 from spare parts to run Puppy linux off a thumbdrive. I used to to remotely monitor a cable system I was in charge of in Fullerton. I could run VLC on it and stream the output to my IP at home and telnet into one of the commercial convertor boxes we had and change the channels on it so I could monitor the 58 78 channels we were providing offsite. Saved me running out there 3 times a week checking all the channels for operation. I agree, most of that old computer stuff has little to no value anymore unless it runs a proprietary piece of software that you still need to work. "Norton Disk doctor " was my 1 'go to' piece of kit when I was building rigs.