1965 Mexican Spec Plymouth Valiant Acapulco

This is the top of the line Valiant for 1965.

They called it an Acapulco and it was the same level as the Signet.

This is a slant 6 car and I know it has a manual, but I don't know if it is a 3 on the tree or if it is a floor shift.

Look at the picture with the speedometer, which shows exactly, almost, 30,000 KM, and tell me from the steering column if it is a 3 on the tree. It doesn't look like it has the collar that moves for that, so it might be a floor shift.

You can see the Barracuda front end on this car. Did Plymouth use the Barracuda front end on any Valiant in the US?

It says something on the valve cover, but I am not sure what that is.

Please tell me your opinion on the color as well. Under the hood looks like a gold color but the car is most definitely an orange. I am not sure if Plymouth offered an orange in Mexico that year.

Over all this is a pretty cool car. What do you think?

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