A bad day at the race track many years ago

Back day at the track No. 2

April 21, 1992, almost 10 yrs to the day. Racing 69 Barracuda. Quarter finals, racing a guy from Bakersfield in a 64 Nova, he is in left lane. Again as we approach the traps i see in the corner of my eye in his fender well flames and crap as his engine is blowing up. he gets in his own oil and hit me just behind the drivers door. Again no guardrail pass the end of track and i go sliding out into the dirt which was good thing as i did not hit anything else. He car starts rolling and ends up several hundred feet down the track from me......climbs out thru the front windshield has to be taken to hospital with glass in his eyes.....Some said I had ran over to him and punched him...nope i was walking around my car looking at the damage...blood pressure probably 300 psi.....So the track manager says I can not race for the rest of the year due to swing at the other guy....I said If i swung and missed 3 times like they said...I should not be allowed to race either..lol... I was 39 yrs old still in pretty good shape...LOL.....plus looking at my car I was not going to be back in a week or two....As it took me over a year to repair the car...BTW I still have that old Barracuda.....Car was light...I probably could run a 10s with a 318 with unported 302 heads....lol



