Whos running over 700whp on an 8.75?

I found my post where I measured the actual weights of a 8 3/4, came in at right around 200 lbs WITH brakes. I find it hard to believe that a 9 inch housing and an 8 3/4 housing weigh all that much different. The 3rd member vs center section I can see a difference as the 9 inch is beefier and oval shaped vs round.

I would think the axle housing tubes of a 60 would weigh as much as the entire housing of a 9 or 8 3/4.

Not arguing just surprised
Dana weight varies greatly, depending on heavy duty truck axle tubes, or car tubes. I don't think the current crop of aftermarket race Dana's are all that much heavier than an 8 3/4 or nine.