Whos running over 700whp on an 8.75?

I found my post where I measured the actual weights of a 8 3/4, came in at right around 200 lbs WITH brakes. I find it hard to believe that a 9 inch housing and an 8 3/4 housing weigh all that much different. The 3rd member vs center section I can see a difference as the 9 inch is beefier and oval shaped vs round.

I would think the axle housing tubes of a 60 would weigh as much as the entire housing of a 9 or 8 3/4.

Not arguing just surprised

This post bellow is what I was going off for an 8.75 which is right around the same weight as the 9 and 60. It seems that they are all about the same ballpark. Especially since the flange ends are the same mopar bolt pattern/size and using all the mopar brakes. The perch for the 60 is the same as the 8.75 too one being 3" and the other being 3.125 so there really isnt toooo much of a difference in the size there either.