Dash Pad Experience

Long time ago I was looking for parts for my '72 Duster this was before internet. Heard about some obscure junkyard up in Washington and went to see what they might have. The place was way out in the woods in the middle of nowhere and I go down this long dirt road and there's a trailer as the office and you can see wrecked cars all behind it.. I go in the trailer in the guys yacking on the phone and I asked him about parts he goes I'll be right with you and just kind of points towards out back so I go for a walk around and don't see much of anything... So I go back in and I'm patiently standing there waiting for him to get off the phone and he can see me waiting and I can tell he's trying to get off the phone but the guy just won't let him off.. I looked out the back door and as I'm gazing I see this perfect dash pad laying in this car already extracted. I walk out check it out and walk back in with it and the guy is still yacking on the phone... I patiently wait until finally the guy gets off the phone and asked me he could help me and I said how much do you want for this dash pad and he said five bucks... I stayed colm and said sure and give him five bucks and he asked me if I wanted to received I said no I'm good got out the door as quick as I could and I think I sprayed rocks all over his shack I was trying to get out of there so fast...
That's my dash pad experience....