truck driver 110 year sentence reduced to 10

Must be nice, never having a mistake in your life. If it was a member of my family, I could never forget, but sending someone away for forever doesn’t bring them back. As far as immigration goes, are you a descendant of Sitting Bull?

Everyone, and I mean everyone makes mistakes.... A friend of mine who has passed was having issues with his Stepson. The boy had crossed a point in his life where he needed to understand that some mistakes can't be undone. My friend was the master of selling himself and the kid is now a family man with a big career.

So throwing "mistakes" into a general bucket doesn't work. If I were a family member of the deceased I would not want this kid to rot his life in Jail. I would however have major resentment of the system that put him behind the wheel. Greed and gloat....

Give it another week and it will just be something that happened in 2021....