Interesting means of cleaning a carb

Same with Berkebile 2+2, dissolved anything in there, gave Me a chemical burn on My left thigh when it came out of an airbleed & hit the polyester workpants. Chemical reaction anyone? I blotted the spot w/a paper towel & started to soldier on, then it hit, had My pants down before I made it to the back door of the house! Lol! Now, 3-4X the work & time to get the sh*t clean.

I did something similar once, but I was using spray carb cleaner and it came out of some unseen passage and touched me in my Special Place. I ran to the shop can; occupied.

I ran to use the showroom bathroom and as I opened the door to the showroom, there was the most beautiful brunette woman standing there.

I had a wet spot in my crotch, panic on my face, and a sense of shame that's now old enough to have grandkids.

Damn she was gorgeous. I only saw her for a fraction of a second, and I didn't even stick around long enough to hear the laughter.