Cool Snow Thrower Pheomenina

I would say snow static.

Decades ago I had a gigantic "homebrew" amateur radio mobile antenna system. This consisted of a home-built receiver hitch, attached to which was an insulator and scrap of about ? 4' of 1/2 water pipe, and on top of that I screwed home brew loading coils for the various bands (frequencies) that I operated. These generally were various sizes PVC fittings, with pipe bushings adapting to the water pipe, and hond-wound inductors for the various bands. At the very top was a scrap of broken CB whip about ?6'? ft long. The thing from ground to top on 75 meter band was around 13ft tall.

So, one afternoon in thunder storms I was going down to see a friend and it was hailing and raining. The radio, a "Tempo 2020" was going nuts, screaming wailing making all sorts of noise

I was driving 30-40 on country roads, reached behind the radio to disconnect the coax, and intending to toss the conntector over into the right side foot well. As I pulled the connector off the radio and picked it up, I got the zap of my life. I threw it down, and it sat there arcing and sparking great large blue sparks between the center conductor and the outer shell

I was "impressed!!"

The Tempo 2020 was bought cheap at a yard sale and needed "work." I had a lot of fun with that monster for a couple years. I worked all over the world with that thing-from the car.