WTF is up with KFC

I remember when KFC was some of the best fried chicken around, a little pricy but good. That was a recent as 10 years ago. Today's KFC chicken is terrible, greasy, the batter is not good, really small pieces. I am done with them.
Believe it or not, the local Kroger has some of the best fried chicken around. I don't know how much they make daily, but it is available around 10:00 AM and is sold out by 2:00 PM daily. Still reasonably priced, 8 pieces for $7.99

There are a ton of “buy-out” products that the end used just has to fry or warm up or what not. Most likely this is what’s used as I’ve been in a bunch of the Fred Mayer’s (Kroger) stores in Oregon / Washington and it’s all the same. This is very hard to do when your making the product in location from scratch.