Question on port matching

It does but a lot “Depends on the engine combo” as well as what your doing with it. I say this all the time. The things you do for one thing are a great thing but a horrible thing for another build even if ignitions same engine cid, cylinder head and cam. AKA What works here doesn’t work there.

LMAO! And once again, application dependent. What works here is a disaster over there.

Once again it all comes down to how well you fill the cylinder in terms of quality and quantity. What happens in the cylinder is not always a direct reflection of what you think is going on in the port. The word "combo" gets used as a catch all for when a group of parts do or don't perform like we think they should but I've seen too many "combo's" that punch above their weight according to CID to HP/TQ to CFM to VE to simply dismiss them as outliers.

There's more to this than just airflows to making power but when you only have a hammer or flow bench.......The Smart guys are looking at what's happening in the cylinder and how the port affects that.
Anyway back to the "It needs more airflow narrative" :lol: