Question on port matching

And yet, there was a moment where they stated something that holds my point of view and amazingly, that crazy mismatch on the BBC head which many others said was super bad. But there they were saying exactly what others were saying can’t be done.

Seems like the videos you think you watched & commented in you really didn’t pay attention to AND ignore what they said unless it supported your train of thought.

Actually, your doing that right now and I just showed exactly!!!!!! The very exact items why.

I answered that asshole. I was staying o topic for what the OP asked.

I’d love to see some examples of the garbage port work you do. You should be embarrassed. But you aren’t.

Start a thread on BBC’s and we can talk about that. I this thread it’s about MoPars.

And let me add this. I can guarantee Darin Morgan or anyone else who has built real engines (not fantasy forum ****) would NEVER a build an engine that had a port too big and then crutch it with a small intake manifold.

What you want me to believe (I don’t and neither do you but to maintain your profession of the contrarian of contrarians here on FABO) is that the same engine with the oversized ports and small intake manifold would make more power, better power than if the engine was built with the correct sized ports in the head and a matching manifold.

Only a moron would set out to build something like that. Would you build a 273 with W8 heads and then cobble an Air Gap on it to make it half assed run? No, no one would. Yet that is the exact example of the BBC scenario that Morgan referenced. In fact, go back and listen carefully he says it’s not the best way to do it.